Silver Spotlight – 25 Years of F&P

In honor of Franklin & Prokopik celebrating 25 years of business, early partners reflect on their time with the firm.

What has surprised you in the 25 years of F&P?

  • Tamara B. Goorevitz: How much we have grown in size and how our practice areas have grown. Also, how much Bert’s hairline has receded.
  • John J. Handscomb: How quickly the time has gone and the tremendous talent we have been able to recruit and develop.
  • Maija B. Jackson: How resilient the firm has been and how supportive we are of each other.
  • Albert B. Randall: I’m not sure that it’s necessarily a surprise, but what has impressed me the most is our Firm’s resiliency. We’ve overcome a number of significant challenges over the last quarter-century, and every time, the F&P team has not only withstood them, we have done so brilliantly.
  • David A. Skomba: If anything has surprised me (and it was not much of a surprise), it has been the sustained growth over the years. We had not planned to grow this way at the very start.

What goals has the firm achieved that you are proud of?/ Are there any goals that you hope the firm achieves in the future?

  • TBG: We have grown and flourished in the face of tragedy, stayed true to the firm’s founding principles, and developed strong and capable leaders, a significant number of whom are female.
  • MBJ: Continued staying power, organic growth, flexibility, and work-life balance are all attributes of the firm that I am proud of and hope to see continue in the future.
  • ABR: As our clients have grown, we have grown as well. We’ve always sought to meet our clients’ needs to the fullest extent possible, and we’ve done so by adding practice areas, office locations, and other services to better suit our clients.
  • DAS: I am very proud of the fact that our attorneys are recognized as smart, well-prepared, proactive, careful, and considerate in their practices. They balance the need to vigorously represent our clients’ interests with the obligations of being professional and civil to all. I am also very proud of the collegial and collaborative environment that the Firm has cultivated and grown.

What are your most memorable moments from your time at F&P?

  • TBG: Doing wheelbarrow races with John Handscomb, Sue Lawless, and Rebecca Gage in the hallway; Mary G’s birthday ice cream cake for breakfast; all the jury trials and victories with Dave Skomba; sitting next to Steve Marshall in federal court and trying not to laugh when Dave pronounced a witness’s name with an accent; all the Founders’ Days over the years.
  • JJH: For my 50th birthday, Bert Randall hired a guy in a potted plant costume to jump-scare everyone who came into my office. That was a day…
  • MBJ: Founders’ Day at Kara Miller’s Easton home. Bob Franklin’s prank of changing Mike Prokopik’s name tag on his office door to “Michael Porkpie”. (Our first spellcheck used to autocorrect Mike’s name to porkpie).
  • ABR: 1) Our first days, filled with construction, “party” telephone lines, carrying boxes of files in the summer heat and wondering, “How is this all happening?”; and 2) following the tragic loss of Bob Franklin, seeing the impact that he had through the outpouring of support of our collective family, friends, clients, and the legal community through their kind words, notes, and actions. It helped galvanize us going forward.
  • DAS: The “Founders’ Day” events through the 25 years are always good times with colleagues and their significant others. There also were several verdicts that were particularly satisfying both for us and the clients, in particular, the win in the ATS v. Kousa matter, a defeat of a $6 million claim against the client, and the recovery of an award of some $6 million in the client’s favor after an extended federal court trial.

What advice would you have given yourself 25 years ago?

  • TBG: If you meet the future version of yourself coming back to give you advice, you don’t need it. Everything that has happened in your life has made you who you are, and you turned out just fine!
  • MBJ: I would do it all again. Best decision I ever made was to join F&P at the outset in 1999.
  • ABR: Buckle up!
  • DAS: While we have to pay attention to the details, don’t sweat them; after all, we were/are all very capable and dedicated professionals.

Any other thoughts to share?

  • Ralph L. Arnsdorf: It’s been an honor and a privilege to work with Judy, Cathy, and Amanda for the past 20 years. I couldn’t do my job without them.
  • TBG: It’s hard to believe that Andrew and I have worked together leading the transportation practice group for so many years. I am grateful to have such a wonderful partner and friend. I am still amazed at his inability to properly pronounce words that start with a “TH,” but we love him despite his funny accent.
  • MBJ: I can always remember the age of the firm because my second son was born just days before we opened the doors.


A slideshow commemorating our Silver Anniversary can be viewed here. Photos from our 2024 Founder’ Day hosted at Urban Axes can be viewed here.

F&P Spotlight on Associate Melissa McGaunn

What is your practice area and how did you choose it?
I primarily practice workers’ compensation defense. I had previously worked in a high-volume defense arena but was interested in exploring an entirely new area of law when I started at F&P in 2014. Taking that opportunity was well worth it. Ten years later, I’m still coming across unique circumstances and questions of law that give me a reason to wear my thinking cap each day.

What’s your favorite thing about working with your clients?
One of the unique aspects of workers’ compensation is that we as the attorneys get to work very collaboratively with our clients. I enjoy that I get to interact with my clients frequently. This allows me to not only get to know each individual personally, but also to get a feel for his or her preferred approach to litigation. There are many ways to achieve an end goal, but I like to think we are working together as a team who each took part in the strategic decisions and actions leading to our success.

What is your favorite aspect about working at F&P?
Definitely the people I get to work with. Everyone says it, but it’s true. We have a great group here.

What is your proudest accomplishment?
Personally: being a mom to my two amazing daughters. Professionally: passing the Maryland Bar Examination in 2011.

Tell us something about you that few of your colleagues and clients would know.
Prior to law school, I worked at an advertising agency in Baltimore and edited copy for print and online advertisements. I think I can still remember most of my proofreaders’ marks.

What do you like to do outside the office?
Outside of work, I spend as much time as I can with my family. We like to spend weekends out and about, usually checking out new parks and playgrounds. I’m a big reader and a loyal Grey’s Anatomy fan (twenty seasons is a commitment). I also started collecting indoor plants last year; one might say it was a fast-growing obsession.

Have you read any good books or seen any good movies this year that you would recommend?
Most recently, I finished the “A Court of Thorns and Roses” series by Sarah Maas. I am excited to start her other series.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Pigeon. I was studying abroad in Italy during college and one of the restaurants my group would frequent had a weekly rotation of “unusual” meats. It was an experience – but not one that I need to relive. I also tried frog legs on my honeymoon. Again, not going back for seconds of that particular delicacy.

Do you have any bizarre talents?
More random than bizarre, but I am surprisingly good at catching things. (Picture a “think fast!” type scenario). Nobody would call me athletically inclined, but you can sure bet I’m going to catch a tossed set of keys. Note: this is not an open invitation for my colleagues to start throwing stuff at me.

If you had an eighth day every week, how would you spend it?
That’s a tough one. At this stage of my life, I could use an extra day for laundry.

F&P Spotlight on Associate Pavel Glazunov

What is your favorite aspect about working at F&P?
Franklin & Prokopik provides a wealth of hands-on experience opportunities and the freedom to pursue unique litigation strategies to help our clients. All while creating an atmosphere with constant mentorship in order to encourage professional development.

What’s your favorite food in Baltimore?
Ekiben is absolutely delicious, one of my all-time favorite places to eat.

What’s your proudest accomplishment?
My relationships with my loved ones.

Tell us something about you that few of your colleagues and clients would know.
In third grade, our teacher assigned the class a project to write an autobiography, one of the questions posed was “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I responded by stating that I wanted to be a professional soccer player or at the very least I could make it big on American Idol. But if neither of those options worked out I wanted to become a trial lawyer. To this day, my mom still hangs on to the autobiography. So, unless my current semi-professional soccer club (Baltimore City FC) rises up the U.S. Soccer pyramid into a professional tier, I will carry on with my dream of being a litigator.

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
Cristiano Ronaldo.

F&P Principal Lynn Fitzpatrick Selected to Virginia Super Lawyers for 2024

For the second consecutive year, F&P Herndon Principal Lynn M. Fitzpatrick was selected to Virginia Super Lawyers.

This honor is awarded to a select number of attorneys throughout each state based on peer recognition and professional achievement within legal practice. Fitzpatrick is being recognized for her accomplishments in the areas of Workers’ Compensation: Employer/Insurance and Appellate law.

Click here to learn more about Super Lawyers and their selection process.

F&P Spotlight on Paralegal Elizabeth Hicks

What is your position and how did you choose it?
I am a workers’ compensation paralegal, a profession that actually chose me. I was hired in my first paralegal job back in 1996 by an attorney whose philosophy was that everyone should work in a law firm at least once in their life. He took a chance on me, and I found the profession I love. Thank you, Mr. Everett!

What do you like to do outside the office?
I am a crafter. I crochet. I think all babies born at F&P since I started have a baby blanket made by me, which are the most fun to create. I scrapbook. There is something about being able to include handwritten notes, thoughts, and trinkets to photos that is just more special than seeing the photos alone. My family and I also enjoy taking road trips – no specific destinations, we just pick a direction and go see what we can see.

What was the best news you ever received?
As a Veteran’s wife, getting the news that my husband was coming home unharmed from deployment.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Alligator – once in New Orleans. Glad I did not know what it was before I ate it because it was actually very good.

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
Both of my Grandmothers, who have passed. I miss their insights into life, their witty senses of humor, hearing stories of their lives, and not to mention being able to pick their brains on cooking and flower gardens.

F&P Participates in Diversity Lab’s Mansfield Certification

Franklin & Prokopik continues to explore ways to strengthen our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. The firm is pleased to announce we are currently participating in the Mansfield Rule for midsize law firm’s cohort.  F&P is one of more than 70 firms working toward certification.

The Mansfield Rule is designed to diversify leadership in law firms by increasing the representation of historically underrepresented lawyers in firm leadership.  Among several parameters, this entails including 30% of female attorneys, attorneys of color, LGTBQ+ attorneys, and/or attorneys with disabilities for hiring considerations, promotions, client pitches, and senior lateral positions.

The certification process will be completed in July 2024, and F&P must meet specific and measurable objectives to earn this distinction.

F&P continues to be an equal opportunity employer, believing that a diverse workforce best suits the needs of our clients. We are committed to recruiting and promoting attorneys regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Our participation with the Mansfield Rule reinforces our dedication to continued positive change and ongoing focus on DEI.

To learn more about the Midsize Mansfield Rule, please visit Midsize Mansfield Rule – Diversity Lab Diversity Lab.

F&P Promotes Five Principals and One Counsel for 2024

Franklin & Prokopik welcomes 2024 by congratulating five attorneys who have been promoted to principal and one promoted to counsel. These attorneys have helped elevate the firm as a standout in the legal field, the courtroom, and with clients and colleagues. Please join us in congratulating these attorneys and thanking them for their hard work!


Neal Adkins concentrates his practice in the areas of workers’ compensation and employers’ liability, representing employers and insurers at the administrative hearing and appellate levels. A seasoned litigation attorney, Neal spent nearly 15 years representing claimants and plaintiffs before joining F&P in 2014. His experience during this time enabled him to gain a deep understanding of the tactics used by both parties, and he is able to utilize this as a way to counter strategies.

Cindy Armstrong represents employers and insurers in workers’ compensation matters before the Workers’ Compensation Commission and courts throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. She has been practicing law for almost 17 years, and all of her legal experience has been in the workers’ compensation industry. Before joining F&P, Cindy was a partner at a private workers’ compensation firm.

Michael Bennett brings nearly two decades of legal experience. Since joining Franklin and Prokopik in 2015, Mike has litigated hundreds of cases at the Workers’ Compensation Commission and over a dozen jury and bench trials throughout the state. He has also briefed and argued matters before the Maryland appellate courts. Mike has returned several defense jury trial verdicts and victories at the appellate courts.

Robert Hunt, Jr. joined F&P’s Delaware office in 2013, concentrating his practice in workers’ compensation and employers’ liability. He has experience representing clients at all stages of the litigation process, from hearings before the Industrial Accident Board and appeals to the Delaware Superior and Supreme Court to settlement and mediation. His clients primarily include employers, insurers, and third-party administrators from companies of all sizes across various industries.

Eric Scott Thompson concentrates his practice on representing the rights of business and individual defendants in civil actions and, in doing so, has tried cases before all levels of courts in Delaware in addition to administrative boards. He is an adjunct instructor at Wilmington University and volunteers his time for Delaware Volunteer Litigation Services, representing indigent clients in guardianship matters.


Melissa McGaunn

Super Lawyers Selects 20 F&P Attorneys to 2024 Ratings

Today, Super Lawyers announced its annual Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists in Maryland, and F&P boasts 20 attorneys to receive this honor for 2024. Super Lawyers selects the top 5% of attorneys each year, while Rising Stars is no more than 2.5%. The attorney-led research staff evaluates candidates on 12 peer review and professional competence indicators.

For more information about Super Lawyers and its selection process, please click here to visit their website.

Super Lawyers
Albert B. Randall, Jr.
Angela Garcia Kozlowski
John J. Handscomb
Laura S. McKenzie
Maija  B. Jackson
Tamara B. Goorevitz
William A. Crawford
Jennifer F. Hare

Rising Stars
April M. Kerns
Ellen R. Stewart
Heather A. Rice
James K. Hetzel
Jessica B. Pupkin
Joshua T. Carback
Kara K. Parker
Marleigh A. Severe
Marni E. Sperling
Matthew E. LaFontaine
Patrick M. Wachter
Renee L. Bowen

Jury Returns Defense Verdict in Amusement Park Liability Case

After a five-day jury trial in the US District Court for the District of Maryland in Greenbelt, Firm Principals David A. Skomba and Tamara B. Goorevitz, along with Firm Associate Jessica B. Pupkin, obtained a defense judgment in favor of Six Flags America on November 5, 2023.

The case, Balchi v. Six Flags America LP, involved a serious multi-ligamentous knee and related peroneal nerve injury incurred on a water attraction in Hurricane Harbor that resulted in several surgeries and over $100,000 in past medical expenses.  The plaintiff was forced to concede that the ride itself was safe but argued that he was not properly warned/instructed how to ride.  Six Flags was able to show, using the expert testimony of nationally recognized biomechanical engineer Douglas Morr of SEA, that the accident could not have happened unless the plaintiff failed to follow the ride instructions that he conceded were given to him.  The jury agreed, and after several hours of deliberations, returned a defense verdict in favor of the Park.

The plaintiff argued that the jury should award some $815,000 in damages in closing.  Six Flags trusted F&P’s recommendation that the matter, a classic “high damages, low liability” case, should be tried and that trust resulted in the defense verdict and judgment.

“Best Law Firms” Awards F&P Metropolitan Tier 1 Ranking

Best Lawyers publicly announced their 2024 “Best Law Firms®” rankings, including Franklin & Prokopik as a recognized firm for the sixth consecutive year. We received multiple Metropolitan Tier 1 rankings for Workers’ Compensation Law and will be featured in the 14th edition of the Best Law Firms® publication, distributed to 30,000 C-Suite and in-house counsel.

A firm must have at least one lawyer currently recognized in The Best Lawyers in America to be eligible. The recipient must practice in a Best Law Firms practice area and jurisdiction. The research process includes client and professional references, firm information, lawyer evaluations, and industry leader interviews. This year, “Best Law Firms” had record-breaking participation, receiving more than 23,000 lawyer evaluations and almost 100,000 client references reviewed.

F&P is pleased to be recognized in the following areas:

  • Metropolitan Tier 1
    • Baltimore
      • Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers
    • Washington, D.C.
      • Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers
  • Metropolitan Tier 2
    • Baltimore
      • Litigation – Insurance
  • Metropolitan Tier 3
    • Baltimore
      • Construction Law
      • Litigation – Construction


Debuted in 2010, Best Law Firms® is the most credible rankings of exceptional law firms, rooted in a rigorous, peer-to-peer, industry-driven evaluation. Achieving a tiered ranking in Best Law Firms signals a unique combination of quality law practice and breadth of legal expertise. Ranked firms, presented in three tiers, are recognized on a national and metro-based scale.

To learn more about these rankings, please visit